"Fixed Odds Sports Betting: Statistical Forecasting and Risk Management" Review
This book is not going to tell you how to come up with a system to be profitable. Its not even going to give you many insights into how to handicap sports but it gives you the tools to know whether or not your current handicapping/system has an edge and whether it will continue. The book focuses on a lot of stastitcal analysis of your betting record as well as the best options for staking.
Well worth the read for those who are not knew to the game. Sophisticated punters will get something out of this but those new to the game will probably be a bit bamboozled and not appreciate the information provided.
This book tells you about the reality of sports betting and not the fact that you will win 70% of your games. It is a practical explination of all the steps and mathmatical calculations to help you understand what sports betting is about. I wish I read this book prior to my first sports bet. It explains how to research the wager and all the backend work that you need to do to evaluate a value bet. If you wanted to understand the mathmatics behind the process of betting then this is the book for you.
There is more than one way to win and win big in the Sporting industry. If you are talented enough, you may be fortunate to land a very lucrative multi-million dollar contract. But if you are just a fan and enjoy sports competition, you too can benefit. You will not have one of those big time contracts, but if you have the right information and knowledge, you too can become very wealthy by betting only when the odds are in your favor.
Betting on sports has long been very popular throughout the world. Many sports enthusiasts, especially football, basketball, and baseball fans, consider sports betting as one of the most exciting money-making opportunities ever known to man.
However, although sports betting may seem to appear as a get rich quick scheme, it still involves hard work, solid preparation, and of course knowledge of the sport that you are betting on. If you want to win consistently betting on sports, you will need strong money management skills, patience, discipline, and the ability to only wager/bet when the odds are the most in your favor.
Basically, sports betting can be classified as a game of chance. It is often defined as the general activity of predicting results of the sports you are interested in, by making a wager on the outcome of the sporting event. So, if for instance you are interested in betting on football games, your bets on the sport are most commonly placed on the outcome of a particular game. And, in that game, there is a favorite and an underdog.
To make the wagering experience more even, it is the practice of the bookmaker or the odds maker to determine in advance, the odds of the two teams winning or losing. This is done, so as to give you a chance to bet on the probability of a competitors/team's chance to win that single game or event. However, note that the bookmaker always posts the odds so that it would be favorable to take a chance of betting on either team. In essence, the odds are created to entice a sense of betting action on both sides.
The Legality of Sports Betting
More so than other forms of gambling, the general acceptance or the legality of sports betting differs from nation to nation. Many regions in the world consider sports betting or sports gambling as illegal, thus highly forbidden, while there are others that view sports gambling as lawful and safe, in the sense that sports betting is simply a hobby for sport fanatics. It helps to increase their enthusiasm and eagerness in one particular sporting event, which in turn may benefit the players, teams and even the sport that they bet on.
Betting on sports, drives more people to witness the events, increasing the attendances and even the television audiences. It is perhaps due to this fact that more opponents of sports betting strongly oppose the legality of sports betting. They actually fear that betting on sports may in the end threaten the integrity of a particular sport.
They base their assumptions on the history of which involves a number of attempts by the sports bettors to fix the matches. But, so far, with the proponents counter's concern on protecting the bets and fighting corruption as fiercely as the governing bodies and law enforcement do, nothing worse has been reported as of today for sports betting. Long live sports competition and sports wagering.
About the site "Sports Betting": Inside Jobs
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