Sports Betting 301: Sports Betting Tips and Strategies
The Sports Betting Tip You Must Know and Follow - Patience Sports betting is a very popular practice, and quite a huge number of people have...

The Sports Betting Tip You Must Know and Follow - Patience
Sports betting is a very popular practice, and quite a huge number of people have raked in some serious money on this one. Whether you are betting on a casino game or on your favorite sports, the key is to make informed decisions.
In every betting game, there is some amount of gambling. When you place a wager, you are gambling that the odds will work in your favor. But that is not to say that a bettor is a gambler. There is a crucial difference between the two. A gambler simply wants to win irrespective of the odds. So, he continues to gamble in the face of all indications to the contrary. A bettor is one who has a strategy of making more money from the game than what he came in with.
Sports Betting: How to Win When Placing a Bet - Guide to Maxping odds:
Sports Betting 301 - How to Profit
This article attempts to explain of how to profit at sports betting. This is a starting point, but far from the ending… There is a lot to learn that is not covered by this lesson. But if you stay focused and keep learning, and you could end up a winner.
The first thing to know (and follow) is never to bet over your head (or more than you can afford to lose). Money management is cover elsewhere, but just like every form of gambling, betting your rent is too much to risk and it will come back to haunt you. By doing it once, it's easier to do it twice, and you will eventually get burned.
Following that train of thought, the most important point for new sports bettors to know is to never chase losses. Chasing losses is the act of increasing your bet size when you are on a losing streak in order to try to break even. Doing this causes many sports bettors to go bust before they can even get going and often leads people into betting over their head. See the trend?
Examples of chasing loses happens every weekend during football season. Every weekend, some guy bets 3 football games and loses all three. Let's say he bets $500 on each which is a decent amount of money for him. This same guy will then drop $1,500 on the money night game trying to get back to even. Half the time, this guy will lose and be out $3,000 instead of just $1,500. Avoiding this pitfall will save you a lot of stress and money.
Now that we mentioned losing, lets talk about winning. In order to win money in sports betting (assuming that your bets are $110 to win $100), you will have to win 52.4% of your bets. For you math geniuses out there, it is calculated as 110/(110+100). This is the win rate needed when you bet on football sides and over/unders.
These odds vary between sports and even games. If for example you bet just baseball, the percentage of games that you will need to win in order to profit will vary depending on the odds that you are betting. If you bet mostly underdogs, you will need a lesser win percentage than if you bet most favorites. Because of this, it's possible to be a long-term winner while winning less than 50% of your bets by betting underdogs.
A great public misconception is that professional sports bettors win between 60% to 70% of their bets. This is just false. Professional sports bettors lose almost as much as they win, but because of the volume and size of their bets, they can make a nice living cashing anywhere between 54% to 57% of their tickets.
So take it slow, protect your money and don't expect to win every game. Hot and cold streak happen to everyone, but by staying focused and perfecting your techniques, you can become a winner in the long run.
Money Management
Winning sports bettors are winners because they exercise proper money management.
Take a minute to let that sink in.
Money management is the process that a bettor uses to determine the size of a bet (or multiple bets), and it's essential to winning in sports betting. There are many different money management systems, and winning bettors often use different varieties of systems. The key is that they have a system that they stick too. Without a firm system in place, the temptation to chase loses or bet it all on a "sure thing" is so great, that most players will eventually do one of these things and lose their entire bankroll or/and more.
Step 1: Create a bankroll. A bankroll is a set amount of money that a gambler has set aside for wagering. 99.9% of winning sports bettors have a bankroll that is used strictly for sports betting. This roll can be $100 or $1,000,000 and the amount a player wagers is usually determined by the size of their roll.
Step 2: Determine the size of your betting unit. This is needed in developing your money management strategy. A unit can be a fixed amount of money (like $100), but more often it is a set percentage of a bettor's bankroll. By making a unit a percentage of you bankroll, the amount of money you bet will increase when you are winning and decrease when you are losing. It is also much harder to go bust. A standard unit is usually between ½% to 3% of a bettor's bankroll.
Step 3: Determine your money management strategy. Money management strategies vary and the most important part of a strategy is having one and sticking to it. Bettors may opt to bet a set amount of money (1 unit) on every bet, or they many vary their betting amounts depending on their perceived value of a bet. Varying bet sizes should only be used by experienced handicappers.
Examples of money management strategies:
Every bet is 1% of the bettor's total bankroll.
Every bet is $1,000.
Value is determined for each bet on a 1 to 5 scale. A bettor wagers 1 unit (½%) on a bet with a value of 1, 2 units on a bet with a value of 2… 5 units on a bet with a value of 5.
Related: Sports Betting 101 - Types of Bets
Betting on Baseball
Baseball is one of the best sports to handicap and win. In fact many sportsbooks are happy to just breakeven during baseball season, yet most people don't bet this sport for various reasons.
One reason is that most people don't understand how to bet on baseball. With the run line, daily games, and odds changing drastically game to game, everyday bettors without experience may be intimidated and have a hard time understanding why a team is heavily favored 1 day and the underdog the next.
Another reason that baseball betting is not as popular is that it takes a lot of work to study the teams, pitchers, weather, etc. and most people don't have the time or patience. Unlike football, where there is a week to study each game and make a decision, sometimes there is less than a 24 hour window to analysis and bet a baseball game, and there can be 15 games a day.
Those reasons aside, this lesson is going to try to teach you the basics to betting baseball as it can be one of the most profitable sports to bet.
Types of Bets:
The Baseball Money Line - Like hockey, there is no spread available in baseball, so most action takes place on the money line. When betting the money line, you can specify whether the listed pitchers must start, 1 list pitcher must start, or action. If you bet that the listed pitchers must start, and one doesn't, your bet is pushed and no action takes place. If you bet team action, your bet has action no matter who starts the game.
Baseball Totals - This are the same as over/unders in any sport. Extra innings (just like over time) count toward the total. Both listed pitchers must start the game for the total to have action.
The Baseball Runs Line - The run line adds 1.5 runs to the underdog (+1.5) or subtracts 1.5 runs from the favorite (-1.5). The odds of the run line are adjusted so that the favorite in the game usually become plus money. In order to the favorite to win, they must win by 2 or more runs. If the favorite wins by only 1 run or losses, the bet goes to the underdog.
Handicapping Basics:
Pitchers - The factor that has the most influence over a game's odds is that games pitching match up. Any team with a good, veteran pitcher facing a call up rookie will be favored.
Lineups - Teams with superior lineups have the best chance at scoring runs and winning games, but due to player injuries and rest time lineups change daily. It's important to know the probable changes to the day's line up before betting on a game.
Stadiums - Any good fantasy baseball player can tell you which baseball parks favor pitchers and which favor hitters. These parks historically have more or less runs scored in them do to factors like stadium size or atmosphere. Pitchers' parks and hitters' parks are important factors to consider when betting both totals and sides.
There are many other factors to consider when betting baseball, but these mentioned will get you started. Good Luck.
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There are a lot of handicappers that sell their picks online, over the phone, or in weekly pick sheets. While a few of these handicappers are legit and may or may not have a winning record, the majority of them are not. What we mean by "not legit" is that they are losing handicappers, who specialize in selling their picks to make a living. These guys often target degenerate gamblers who can't resist the action of betting a "300 star pick" or a "lock of the year."
Once they get you phone number, they often call relentlessly and use hard sales pitchers such as "You are a loser. You need me to win," and others. It's important to know that these guys are selling picks that they don't bet and might not even like. They make their money selling the picks, not playing them. Some of these touts have been known to tell half their players to bet 1 side and half their players to bet the other. This way, they are guaranteed to keep a half of their customers while marketing for new ones. These touts might even have web casts, radio shows and TV shows.
A good way to spot evil touts is to look at their advertised winning percentage. If it is 65% or better season over season, they are lying. No one wins at those levels, and anyone who did would just bet their picks instead of selling them and risking have sportsbooks adjust to methods.
Even paying for picks from legitimate handicappers can be an uphill battle. Let's say a bettor finds a handicapper who sells winning picks. Problems arise in 2 main areas.
The first is that you will have to bet and win enough to cover cost of the picks. For example, lets say a tout will sell you his picks for 10% of you winnings. This charge changes the winning percentage that you need to profit in long term sports betting from 52.4% to 57.1%, an almost impossible winning percentage.
The second is hurdle is line movement. The tout may release his picks to the world and as soon as they hit the street, people are betting them. If big enough, this action can move the line and you will not get the same price that the handicapper has. This will move your winning rate off of the touts, and will cost you additional money in the long run. Even if the handicapper has only 2 customers and his action doesn't move the line at all, the line can still move between the time the pick is released and the time that you bet it.
With the internet, several handicapping monitoring organizations and sites have appeared and most respected touts register and pay to be monitored. This enables handicappers to show customers what their actual winning percentages are from a third party. The only problem with this is that touts have found ways around this by registering several different names and selling the one with the best current streak. But if you find a handicapper that you can trust, as to see his third party monitored stats.